• 32-ch Isolated Digital I/O Universal PCI Card
• ISA-compatible with PCL-730
• 32-ch TTL DI/O (16-ch digital input,16-ch digital output)
• High output driving capacity
• Interrupt handling capability
• 2 x 20-pin connectors for isolated DI/O channels
• 2 x 20-pin connectors for TTL DI/O channels
• D-type connector for isolated input and output channels
• High-voltage isolation on output channels
PCI-1730U, PCI-1733, and PCI-1734 offer isolated digital input channels as well as isolated digital output channels with isolation protection up to 2,500 VDC, which makes them ideal for industrial applications where high-voltage isolation is required. There are also 32 TTL digital I/O channels on PCI-1730U.